Terms and Conditions for Clients


By engaging service of Malaysia Babysitter, you are legally binding to our Terms and Conditions for clients. You agreed to accept instantly to this terms and conditions upon completion of babysitter request form or submitting enquiry to us.


1. Malaysia Babysitter acts as a babysitter introduction and matching service between babysitters and parents.

2. Malaysia Babysitter does not employ any babysitter, thus we are not responsible for the payment of babysitters/nannies wages. Shall babysitters/nannies have payment dispute between clients, we prefers to resolve this matter via mediation.

3. All communication including verbal, written or via email between both parties (Malaysia Babysitter and client) shall remain confidential, and you agree not to disclose to third party.

4. The client agrees that our nannies and babysitters will be working in a safe and friendly environment.

5. Clients are solely responsible for the following: Abiding by all the statutory obligations for employing a babysitter; full time, casual or part time income tax payments.

6. Client agrees to pay Malaysia Babysitter a one-time commission, which is equivalent to 50% of babysitter’s first month salary (unless otherwise stated), within two weeks of babysitter’s commencing date via online transfer or direct banking. The 50% commission fee is deductible from the 1st month salary of the babysitter, which means the babysitter will only receive 50% of her salary for the 1st month. For 2nd month onwards, the client agrees to pay the babysitter full salary directly, at the start or end of the month or other agreed date.

7. Malaysia Babysit reserve the right for not referring any babysitter or nanny to the client, if we believe there is sufficient negative feedbacks against the client or the location is unsafe for our babysitters and nannies to work at.

8. Malaysia Babysitter will conduct an interview with all nannies and babysitters to verify credentials checks. However, no warranty is given for suitability, honesty, capability and character of any babysitter or nanny.

9. Malaysia Babysitter does not assume any responsibility for services provided by nannies or babysitters, and we make no representations or warranties about the quality of their services. The clients (you) will be solely responsible for the engagement of a babysitter on terms acceptable to you, for verification of their identity and for all necessary direction, supervision and control.

10. Malaysia Babysitter acts as an agent, not as an employer of the babysitters and nannies. Therefore the agency accepts no liability or responsibility for accident, injury, loss, damage or misconduct sustained by nanny or babysitter, clients or any other persons and by employing a nanny or booking a babysitter through us. The babysitter/nanny agrees to exclude Malaysia Babysitter should any mishap occur.


Shall you want to report any dispute or complaint, Malaysia Babysitter is contactable at enquiry@malaysiababysitter.com.

Malaysia Babysitter reserves the right to change this Terms and Conditions for Clients at any time without your notice.

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